Monday, October 1, 2012

To Work, or Not To Work? That 'Tis the Question

There are some pretty standard questions that everyone asks a new mom: Are you getting any sleep? How are you adjusting? Does [insert baby's name] look like you? How is Baby eating?

Along with these inquiries, I often get asked if I am enjoying being a full-time stay-at-home-mama. Variations of this question look like this: Do you miss work? Do you want to go back to work? Do you think you will stay at home forever? Why are you getting your masters degree? Do you think you will ever use your degree? How do you balance school and being a mama?

My quick response is that, yes, I am loving staying at home with Hank. And, no, I wouldn't change it for the world. But, as more and more people ask me about school/working, I can't help but to process and really consider this legitimate question. Why am I getting a master's degree in public health? Do I really want to pursue a career in this field? Am I using my talents/gifts to their full potential by staying at home with my son? Is me staying at home, raising our children, in line with Scott and I's vision for our family?

There is so much to consider, and I feel like I need to be extra thoughtful and especially prayerful before I, along with my husband, make any decision for the future. I often times catch myself in an internal tug-of-war. Half of me couldn't imagine going back to work and leaving my son with another caretaker. The other half reasons that women take their kids to daycare all of the time, and they're fine. And who wouldn't enjoy some additional income? And, there are tons of neat, cutting edge public health jobs; the industry is booming.

With that said, here is where I am currently (physically, mentally, and emotionally):

Physically: I am a graduate student at Indiana University in the Public Health program. I began the program in the fall of 2009, and have been slowly...and I mean suh-low-ley...taking classes to finish my degree. When I enrolled back in 2009, I worked full-time for a dental office, had a new beau (who I somehow convinced to marry me), and had like uh, zero dollars, so a part-time curriculum worked the best for that season in life and has seemed to work well since.

I started out with a duel concentration (Health Policy/Epidemiology), but after taking a core class, Social and Behavioral Sciences, I was convinced that this was the path for me. Essentially, social and behavioral science professionals look at certain populations and attempt to discern why this group of people is making (or not making) particular health decisions. After identifying problems, a S&B worker may try to implement a program or system to help individuals in the group make healthier choices (i.e. smoking cessation programs in areas/neighborhoods where there is a higher incidence of men and women who smoke).

I am currently taking one online class. I knew motherhood would be a huge time commitment, and I didn't want to feel overwhelmed. Fall classes began just two weeks after Hank was born, so I was comfortable taking on one class with a professor who I have had before. My goal is to be finished with my degree by May 2014.

Mentally: Ya, back to that whole tug-of-war thing.

I LOVE spending time with my son, and I feel so blessed and privileged that my husband is supportive of me staying at home with our little guy. When I am around other women who stay at home, and who are great stay-at-home-mama's, I am encouraged and feel like staying at home with our kids is non optional.  I love that I am Hank's primary caretaker and love the challenge of shaping him into the boy, and eventually the man, we pray he becomes.

Furthermore, daycare is expensive. Like, really expensive. Had I stayed at my job at the dental office, the majority of my income would go towards daycare expenses (both directly and indirectly). We would not only be paying for daycare itself, but I would also be paying more for things like gas to get to and from my workplace. Recently, I was talking with one of my friends who pointed out that working mamas also may spend more on food because eating out seems like an easier option after a long, busy day at work (and, yes, I do realize this isn't always the case, but it is a good point to consider). So, in theory, staying at home saves our family money.

On the other hand, when I am around working women, or when I am engaging other students in my program, I feel like I would love to be back in the workplace. I like thinking critically and problem solving, and conversations with these people keeps me on my toes. We are in the midst of huge changes in healthcare in America, and I think it would be completely interesting and rewarding to land a great job in this field.

Emotionally: While I truly do find public health interesting, I don't know that I am necessarily passionate about it. I can honestly say that I have loved every single class I have taken for my masters with the exception of biostatistics (typing the word makes me cringe). But really, I just find topics like environmental health, emergency preparedness, and health policy so intriguing. However, I can't honestly say that I am so passionate about one of these topics that I would skip to work every morning. 

So, you may ask, am I passionate about staying at home raising Hank? Well, yes and no. I want, more than anything else, for Hank to have a fulfilling, enriching childhood. I want him to learn and grow, to be challenged and tested, and to experience grace and mercy. I think I could be a great teacher for him. But, if I want to be completely honest with myself, the thought of being (almost) solely responsible for upbringing is exhausting. What a huge commitment! And, naturally, I feel pressure to be successful.

Are you still with me? Have I bored you to death? Am I talking in circles? Ya, sorry about that. But, in the words of the great Natalie Imbruglia, "I'm Torn." Great song, by the way.

Here are some things that I believe to be true and that have been revealed to me over the last few months:

1. Being a stay-at-home-mama is one hundred percent a full-time job. There is value in providing for your family in this way.SAHMs are constantly thinking for their children, determining what their needs are and how they can provide them. SAHMs are their childrens' greatest teachers. They influence and shape their children. Most SAHMs also have other, managerial responsibilities like cleaning, scheduling (doc appts, soccer games, etc.), and cooking (I say most because if you know my hubs, you know that he is our designated custodian).

2. Working mamas are equally valuable and amazing. I have told Scott, on several occasions, that I am so impressed with women who are able to work full-time jobs and play the role of 'mama'. I know some women have found really great jobs that they love, so that could make things easier, and I know that sometimes circumstances do not allow women to stay at home. Regardless of the reason(s) some mamas choose to work, I am beyond amazed by these gals.

3. I struggle with pride. Let me be vulnerable. Sometimes, when I think about it, I hate that I am dependent (more specifically, financially dependent) on my husband. How jacked up is that?! He's my husband. We are a family, a unit, but, because of my ego, I hate that he is providing for me. As a result of my arrogance, I feel pressure to work and to have my 'own' income.

On the contrary, I am too prideful to let anyone else raise my child. After all, no other human being on this earth could raise  my son better than I could, right? That's how my prideful mind works. Someone needs a slap in the face with a little humility.

Ok, let me wrap this up. In conclusion, I think that every family is different, and that each individual woman should decide--with her honey--what is best for the kiddo(s). I don't think there is a right answer, and I think women should be thoughtful and prayerful when deciding what direction to take.

Right now, Scott and I think I am best suited where I am...a stay-at-home-mama and a (very) part-time student. As Hank gets older and as we add to our family, that could change. I want to be flexible and open to new opportunities and experiences. But, right now, I am loving staying at home with The Hankster.

What are your thoughts? Does anyone else struggle with this? What did you decide? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


  1. Betsy - You are doing just fine! Trust your gut and your heart and it will let you know. Being a working mama is no treat either but it depends on the challenges that you are willing to take on as a parent. For me, I never considered staying home. Maybe it is because I always had a working mom, or maybe it was my budding career that I wasn't willing to stall, and sometimes I think I couldn't possibly teach my child all the things he needs to know to be well rounded and social. Whatever the reason, I felt it, I needed to work, and come week 12 of maternity leave, I didn't want to leave him behind but I knew it was time. Luckily, we found a daycare that I love with caring people, a good curriculum, and the values that Matt and I share. I won't lie that I race home every night to see him and be with him, but it works for us. I think you will know what is best for you and no ones advice will really help you decide.

  2. Can I just start by saying I look forward to your posts!! You are an amazing woman, wife, and mother! I love that you and Scott have made this decision together for your family—that is the right decision—the one you decide together. My thoughts on stay at home mamas…they are superheroes!!

    It is not an option for me to be a stay at home mama and if it was would I do it? Probably not. I have always wanted to be a wife and a mother, but would I want to be with James all day, every day—no! And I’m not afraid to say that! I love being able to get a break. Being at work makes me value my time at home with James and Matt so much more than ever before. Also, because I work 4-4 ½ days a week I prioritize my tasks and get most of them done when they need to be…I say the most part because let’s be honest…the house can be cleaned tomorrow…or in a few days!

    Now I was very, VERY fortunate to find a GREAT daycare! Our daycare is part of a church ministry that shares my beliefs and is very affordable. James will learn about God from daycare, me, and church—this is very important to me. If I would not have found this daycare I may have debated on staying at home or being part-time. I also feel that being in daycare will help his development. He will learn to share and interact with other kiddos from the beginning and I am hoping daycare will also help him become independent. I want James to be comfortable staying with other caretakers, whom I trust, and daycare allows this.

    There are times when I see my mama friends who are SAHMs, teachers (who are off in the summer), or part-time mamas out with their kiddos and having play dates that I have some jealousy issues, but I have a day a week that I am either off work completely or only work a ½ that I can do these things…not as often, but I can still get that fulfillment.

    I believe that God has made us all different and what works for my family isn’t going to work for someone else’s. I believe this is God’s will for my family and I am happy at pursuing his will.

  3. Na need to overthink this. Whatever is best for you and your baby is what is right for you. Others can do an excellent job caring for your Hank but no one can teach him the way you would except you.

    I want to weigh in on the schooling; Of course it is best to prepare yourself. Scott is a good provider but what if (God forbid) something happened? Keeping your resume fresh and sharp is security planning for your baby (babies) and yourself.

    And lastly, you are a peach. We are all so proud of you. I can't wait to meet the baby in real life in November. Love, Teta Polly

  4. We've already talked about this some, I know. (In fact, we're texting about it right now! Ha!) How wonderful that you and I can afford to CHOOSE whether we work or stay home! That choice is such a luxury. Here are two articles similar to ones I've read before about the hidden costs of being a working parent. It's where I got the idea about double income families dining out more, which would be true for our family if I worked! :)
